You're almost there, select at least one more listing to compare!
Max. file size: 10 MB.
Step 1 of 12
Please use Full Name and Surname as on your Identification Card/Book
Identity Number (Please Make Sure You have entered your ID NO. correctly ,Else The Form Will Not Be Submitted Automatically)
Number of years residing at the above address
Mobile / Cell Phone
Telephone Home
Telephone Work
Graduate (Completed an academic degree or course of training)
Relationship Status
Relationship Status
Married In or Out Community of Property
Date You Got Married
Spouse Details, If Married In Community of Property (Else You Can Skip)
Identity Number (Please Make Sure You have entered your spouse's ID NO. correctly.)
Spouses (Mobile / Cell Phone)
NEXT OF KIN (Not residing with you)
Next of Kin
Next Of Kin Relationship
Next of Kin Contact Number
Next of Kin Address
Current Employer
Employer Contact Number
Nr of Years at Company
Nr of Months at Company
Salary Day
Employer Address
Previous Employer
Nr of Years at Previous Company
In the last 6 months, have you received an S189 Retrenchment Notification from your employer?
Do you now or have you previously occupied a Prominent Influential Position in South Africa? (e.g. President, Deputy President, Mayor of a Municipality, Leader of a Political Party, Judge, Senior Traditional leader, etc.)
Please Provide Details of Prominent Influential Position
Do you have a family member or are a close associate of anyone in a Prominent Influential Position in South Africa? (e.g. President, Deputy President, Mayor of a Municipality, Leader of a Political Party, Judge, Senior Traditional leader, etc.)
Family Members /Associates name
Do you now, or have you previously occupied a prominent public official position in any other country other than South Africa? (e.g. Head of State/Country/Government, Senior Judge, Senior member of a political party, high rank in the military)
Please Provide Details of Prominent Public Official
SALARY DETAILS (Single Applicant)
Monthly Gross Salary Before Deductions
Commission (If any)
Car Allowance (If any)
Monthly Nett Take Home Pay
OTHER INCOME (Single Applicant)
Source of Other Income
Other Income Amount
BOND DETAILS (Single Applicant)
Bond Holder
Amount Outstanding
Property Value
Monthly Instalment
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
MONTHLY EXPENSES (Single Applicant)
Bond Payment / Rent
Vehicle installments (Excluding Those To Be Settled)
Credit Card Repayments Amount
Clothing Accounts
Policy / Insurance Repayments
Transportation Costs
Education Costs
Household Expenses
Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.
Rates, Water and Electricity
Personal Loan Repayments
Furniture Accounts
Overdraft Repayments
Telephone Payment
Food and Entertainment
BANKING DETAILS (Single Applicant)
Name of Account Holder
Bank Name
Branch Name
Branch Code
Account Number
Account Type
Can Skip If Documents Aren't Available
South African ID
Max. file size: 10 MB.
Drivers Licence
Max. file size: 10 MB.
3 Months Bank Statements
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 32 MB.
3 Months Payslips
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 32 MB.
Proof of Residence
Max. file size: 32 MB.
What Vehicle Are You Interested In To Apply For Finance
Enter Vehicle Make (e.g. Ford )
Enter Vehicle Model (e.g. Everest )
Enter The Vehicle Year (i.e. 2016)
Sales Executives Details
Sales Executive's Name
Do You Have A Trade-In (Can skip if you don't have)
Enter Vehicle Make Ex(Ford)
Enter Vehicle Model Ex(Everest 2.2 XLT)
Enter Vehicle Manufacturer Year Ex(2018)
Enter Current Mileage of Vehicle Ex(23 000km)
Upload Your Vehicle's Photos
Max. file size: 32 MB.
You're Almost There, Just a Few Questions Left 😀.
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Is one of the following accounts in your name?
Is one of the following accounts in your name?
Please select your employer from this list
Do you own property?
Are you a director of a company ?
This field is hidden when viewing the form
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