Your Information:

Step 1

Financial Information:

Step 2

What Vehicle Are You Interested In To Apply For Finance

By clicking next I confirm that I have read and understand the declaration by applicants and agree to send all my Personal information to Mit-Mak Motors, to determine my credit score and for the purpose of performing an affordability and pre-qualification finance assessment to obtain my consumer credit information, finance application and financial information, from all credit bureaus and relevant third parties to make the aforementioned information available to me as well as share my personal info with third parties only related to the finance and purchase of a vehicle, I also agree that I understand the Ts and C's of this website.

  • You are Almost There, Just a few system generated questions
    that only you would know the answer to.

    Please select the correct and applicable option from the drop-down lists below.

  • Is one of the following accounts in your name?
  • Is one of the following accounts in your name?
  • Please select your employer from this list
  • Do you own property?
  • Are you a director of a company ?


Step 4

Customise Your Deal

Step 5

Monthly Payment Estimate

Deposit (Optional)

Below is the "Deal Structure" you requested

After structuring your deal, Please click the "Next" button below so we can get more info to make sure you get the best deal you deserve.
Please remember this is only an estimate, your final instalment will be calculated and given by our top team of FNI's.
Married In or Out Community of Property
Spouse Details, If Married In Community of Property (Else You Can Skip)
NEXT OF KIN (Not residing with you)
Nr of Years at Previous Company
SALARY DETAILS (Single Applicant)
OTHER INCOME (Single Applicant)
BOND DETAILS (Single Applicant)
MONTHLY EXPENSES (Single Applicant)
BANKING DETAILS (Single Applicant)

Vehicle Pre-Approval Powered by
